Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Next Apple iPhone might feature a smart stylus, rumor suggests

As the rumor has it Apple might be working on a smart stylus for its next-gen iPhone 6. It should work the similar way as the Note and Note II S-Pens but support even more functionality.
You should definitely take this one with a healthy pinch of salt as it's coming from The Sun, which is not exactly known for its tech industry coverage. Anyway the tabloid's sources had it that the next iPhone will have a smart stylus, just like the S-Pen on the Note smartphones.
The rumor also has it that the next flagship by Apple will offer some sort of motion gesture password protection and mini barcode scanner.
What lends some credence to those rumors is the fact that Apple recently filed three patents for stylus technology. The Cupertino giant might simply be preparing for another legal round (with Samsung probably), but it might be getting ready to try and attack the Koreans' Note lineup instead. We guess only time will tell.
Thanks Ras Santa Rasta for the tip!

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